Thursday, March 28, 2013

Back at it -- and some new boxes!

Over the Spring Break we decided to resurrect our love of letterboxing.

White Rock Beach Letterbox

So we set out and found the newly placed letterbox at White Rock beach. I love the fact that it was placed by the Brady Bunch of Caryville, TN!

This was quite an adventure as we forgot our instructions in the car but thanks to Kevin's great remembering we were able to find it after a while :) Kept the kids busy for some time lol!

Its so funny, the kids always complain when I tell them we are going letterboxing but in the end they end up loving it and push to find boxes that I would otherwise give up on.

my Stamps for Wizard of Series

We've decided to place some of our own letterboxes. I carved a series of 3 Wizard of Oz stamps and have the boxes ready to go. We'll head out Monday to place them and then work on the clues. Ashton will love this part as he is always looking to create things for other people's enjoyment. Kai will be into the "finding the best hiding spot" for them. Each kid has a favorite part of letterboxing!